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The Importance of Foxes in the Ecosystem

The "Fox Protection International" is an advocacy program dedicated to the preservation and protection of local fox species all over the globe.  Their efforts are meant to spread awareness for the cause, both morally and scientifically, in order to conserve a vital part of many ecosystems - that being the foxes.

According to Grant-Davie in his Rhetorical Review, exigence can be defined as, "...what the discourse is about, why it is needed, and what it should accomplish. (Grant-Davie, 266)", with discourse referring to the act of communicating with outside influencers to bring attention to a specific cause (or set of causes, in some cases). There are many conflicts between humans and foxes that currently persist, acting as the catalyst for the creation of this program - poaching, fur farming, habitat destruction (forest fires, deforestation), and so on and so forth.   Foxes assist in the maintenance of the planet, as they are vital for keeping many populations of other potentially destructive organisms in check, such as rabbits (which tend to overbreed). Without them, many ecosystems may be ravished beyond saving.

The organization's website  provides a vast array of articles in reference to these very acts of nature-based demolition, serving as a means of explaining just how much negative impact the disappearance of foxes would have on the planet's ecosystem as a whole. It's highly recommended that one visits there and reads some of them for themselves - the ecological collapse that would result from the removal of foxes is scarily staggering in scope. Is it any wonder that there exists organizations designed to adovcate for their protection?

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